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Welcome to Ever, the
revolutionary dating app
designed to help you find
your everlasting love.

Developed in collaboration with top social scientists at Anglia Ruskin University, Ever goes beyond superficial connections by focusing on your values, worldviews and life priorities to match you with like-minded individuals. Because, let's face it, a proper relationship is built on shared beliefs and perspectives.

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of verified singles

Join a community of verified singles who, like you, are committed to finding genuine and lasting connections. Using the latest selfie verification technology, Ever ensures a secure and authentic environment, so you can relax in the knowledge that you're chatting with people that are who they say they are.

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based on shared values

Shared values can mean the difference between liking and loving someone. Our powerful EverSync technology delivers daily matches tailored to your values, worldviews and priorities in life, increasing the chances of finding someone truly compatible.


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Developed in collaboration with top psychologists and social scientists, Ever is more than just a platform; its a community dedicated to helping individuals find genuine and lasting love.

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